Miele-LXIV is a DICOM workstation, viewer and more. The project started in November 2014 as a fork of the popular open source 32-bit project OsiriX, but it has been modified to become a 64-bit application and to remove many of the limitations of the 32-bit version. - Built for macOS 10.14 through 15.1.1 - It supports Mojaves Dark Mode - Using VTK version 9.3.1 - Using ITK version 5.3.0 - Using DCMTK version 3.6.8 - Using OpenGL 4.1 - Using GLEW 2.2.0 - Using OpenJPEG 2.5.0 - Using David Clunies DICOM validator dciodvfy version 1.00.snapshot.20230403092834 - Fully localized for 7 languages: Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish - Export to Photos - Own plugin system fully operational: develop, publish, list, check-for-updates, download, install - Open source - Universal binary: Intel, Apple Silicon