Its so frustrating when you think you remember a verse, but you have one or two words which are not quite right, and so you just cant find it. Perhaps you learned it in a different version. Perhaps you only vaguely remember it at all. Either way, if you dont know the right words to look for then you wont be able to find the verse. But Not Just Words is smarter than your average Bible Search app. As well as being able to search for combinations of words it also automatically searches for other forms of your search words. So when you search for "pray", it also looks for "prays", "praying", "prayer", "prayers", "prayed"... And then it uses a thesaurus. So search for "speak" and it also find verses with "talk", "uttered", etc... You can also search for references like "rom 1:4" or "Gen 1:1;Ex 12:1", or you can combine these with other searches to restrict them. For example you can search for "pray in Romans" to find the references to prayer in the book of Romans. Or "forgive in NT" to find the new testament references to forgiveness. Or "law in psa119". You can also search for phrases like "holy man". And those searches will also use the thesaurus for each word in the phrase to find "righteous man", etc. And you can combine searches with "and", "or", "not" or "near". This app includes the ability to search AMP Amplified Bible ASV American Standard Version CCB Chinese Contemporary Bible (Simplified) CCB Chinese Contemporary Bible (Trandiational) CEB Contemporary English Version CEV Contemporary English Version CSB Christian Standard Bible CUV Chinese Union Version (Traditional) CUVS Chinese Union Version (Simplified) DARBY Darbys Version ESV English Standard Version GNT Good News Translation ICB International Children’s Bible JCB Japanese Christian Bible JCOL Japanese Colloquial Bible JLB Japanese Living Bible KJV King James Version MSG The Message NASB New American Standard Version NIV New International Version NIV1984 New International Version (1984 Version) NKJV New King James Version NLT New Living Translation NRSV New Revised Stanard Version TLB The Living Bible WEB World English Bible WEBLWT World English Bible with Little Watchman Translation New Testament WYC Wycliffe Bible YLT Youngs Literal Translation It also includes the Japanese Colloquial Version using the advanced search features, including the ability to find all the forms of the words you searched for, and to display and search for phrases using furigana, kanji or romaji. And the Chinese Union Version which also uses the advanced search and the ability to display and search for phrases using Chinese characters or pinyin. Both Japanese and Chinese versions will also let you specify which kanji/characters you already know and they wont show you furigana/pinyin for those. All Bible data is stored locally and does not require an internet connection for searching. Find the verse youre looking for and make the most of every opportunity.